
How To Change The Size Of An Embedded Youtube Video

Videos can exist embedded into the body area of content.

Warning: Do non cut and paste the examples below. Nosotros had to insert an invisible grapheme called a "zero-width infinite" so that the [/embed] tags would show up as code and not render the video.

YouTube and more

If you are using Media Fundamental, YouTube, or Vimeo, you tin wrap the URL or "share" the URL with the embed tags. Other platforms may piece of work, only we do not support them. To do this, yous need to get the URL of the video you want to embed.

  1. When viewing the video straight from the provider (similar YouTube), Observe the Share link on the video. It may take different icons, such as i of these examples:

    share icon  orshare link example

  2. Copy the link that is shown, which may wait like this:

    share link example

  3. Paste the link to the video into the body of your Drupal page with the Embed tags in square brackets, as in the example below.

Case of embed code inserted of YouTube video "Time-lapse of fall colors at Princeton"

Example: [​embed][​/embed]


If you do non want related videos to pop up at the stop of the video, add together ?rel=0 to the finish of the URL (before the endmost [/embed] tag)

You tin can too manually change the size of the player. To adapt the size of the player, change the size pulled in with the embed code. For instance, for a video with a base size of 608x402 y'all can manually edit the size to 275x155 in pages with a left console and two trunk columns. When in doubt use an aspect ratio calculator to assistance. Example:

Example:[​embed height="450" width="800"][​/embed]

Media Primal

Publish the videos to Media Cardinal. The video must exist public or unlisted; private videos will not display when embedded.

From Media Central, copy the embed code for the video and paste it into the body of your Drupal spider web folio. Notation that an oEmbed URL in Media Central is the same every bit its video page URL, simply with "id" replacing "media" in the URL.

To copy the embed lawmaking:

  1. Click on the Share tab
  2. Click oEmbed
  3. Re-create the code in the oEmbed field. The code should exist a URL with some optional URL parameters (everything after the question mark is optional).
  4. Paste the oEmbed URL into the body of your Drupal web page.
  5. Surround the URL with the embed shortcode: hyperlink
  6. Make sure you are using square brackets, and that the oEmbed code is on its own line.

The following example is source code to a video on Media Central, which explains how to become the embed code for the video.

Instance: [​embed][​/embed]

Example: [​embed][​/embed]

Media Central - Playlists

The Media Central oEmbed works for private videos, but not playlists. If you wish to embed a playlist, then apply an iframe.

How To Change The Size Of An Embedded Youtube Video,


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